Retail Re:mix

Where leaders redefine retail

Join the exclusive community of retail leaders to connect, innovate, and redefine the future of commerce

Meet our tribe:

Bringing together leaders & innovators across retail

About Retail Re:Mix

Retail Re:Mix is a premier membership-based community for C-suite leaders in retail & ecommerce. We are a newly found rapidly growing community with a mission to provide a platform for networking, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among retail innovators

The Retail Re:Mix Experience

Network with industry leaders

Connect with top executives and decision-makers in the retail sector

Gain exclusive insights

Discover new technologies, solutions, latest trends & strategies

Share best practices

Contribute your expertise and learn how other leaders overcome challenges and drive growth

Access premium events

Attend exclusive events with insightful sessions, valuable connections, and lots of fun

Foster regional communities

Make deeper relationships with your local cohorts

Let loose & have a blast

Dive into social escapades, fun activities, & unforgettable moments, ensuring no snooze fest

Hear from your peers

It was a pleasure to engage with thought leaders and mCXO’s who continue to inspire a generation of digital professionals. I would absolutely love to be a part of future engagements

Profile Picture of Person who gave the testimonial
Kartiik Bhatt
Chief Digital Officer,

Was a pleasure speaking at Retail Remix and to see the level of engagement from the audience. Reaffirms my belief that the community is being built on a strong foundation of knowledge-sharing and camaraderie

Profile Picture of Person who gave the testimonial
Vishal Kapil
Group CIO,

Had a blast at Retail Re:Mix's event! The insights from industry leaders were truly inspiring and the discussions were thought-provoking. Big shout out to Retail Re:Mix team for brilliantly setting up the event and flow. You rock!

Profile Picture of Person who gave the testimonial
Dharmendra Mehta
Business Head Ecommerce,
Lals Group

Looking forward to the next one, great relevant conversations !!

Profile Picture of Person who gave the testimonial
Steve Raju
Founder & Director,
Think Tribe Technologies

Retail ReMix was absolutely wonderful! Had a fantastic night and learned so much more about the future of retail. Plus, it was great to connect with so many amazing people in the industry! Would love to join again!

Profile Picture of Person who gave the testimonial
Praveen Kumar Mishra
Technical Alliance Officer,
Al Adil

Retail ReMix was absolutely wonderful! Had a fantastic night and learned so much more about the future of retail. Plus, it was great to connect with so many amazing people in the industry! Would love to join again!

Profile Picture of Person who gave the testimonial
Aniket Mehare
Procurement Specialist,
Faith Healthcare Group

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Join the fastest-growing community of retail & ecommerce leaders. Curated events, insightful discussions, powerful connections, and lots of fun are just around the corner
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